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Tunnel kiln for Pottery jar

Tunnel kilns play a crucial role in the ceramic industry, especially in the production of Pottery jars. Here's a closer look at the Tunnel kiln for Pottery jar:


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Tunnel kiln for Pottery jar


  • Description
  • Tunnel kilns play a crucial role in the ceramic industry, especially in the production of Pottery jars. Here's a closer look at the Tunnel kiln for Pottery jar:

    Definition and function
    Tunnel kiln is a kind of thermal equipment for continuous production, which is mainly used in the firing process of ceramics and other materials. It adopts a long tunnel-type structure and is divided into different areas, such as preheating zone, firing zone and cooling zone. The ceramic pot to be fired is sent into the kiln by moving dolly (also known as "kiln car" or "buggies"), and the process of preheating, firing and cooling is gradually completed along the tunnel.

    Second, structure and working principle
    The main structure of tunnel kiln includes kiln body, heating system, ventilation system, trolley system and control system.

    Kiln body: The use of refractory masonry, forming a closed tunnel, the interior is divided into preheating zone, firing zone and cooling zone.
    Heating system: By burning fuel (such as coal, oil, gas, etc.) to produce high temperature flame or hot gas, heating the kiln.
    Ventilation system: used to regulate the temperature and atmosphere in the kiln, to ensure that the ceramic pot in the firing process to obtain appropriate environmental conditions.
    Trolley system: Consisting of a trolley and a track, the trolley is used to load the ceramic pot to be fired and move along the track in the kiln.
    Control system: used to monitor and regulate the temperature, atmosphere and other parameters in the kiln to ensure the stability of the firing process and product quality.
    At work, the ceramic pot is placed on a special trolley, which slowly enters the preheating zone of the tunnel kiln along the track for preheating treatment. With the movement of the trolley, the ceramic pot gradually enters the firing area to accept high temperature firing. Finally, gradually cool to room temperature in the cooling zone before removing.

    Third, advantages and applications
    Tunnel kiln has the following advantages in the production of ceramic POTS:

    High production efficiency: Due to the continuous production mode, the tunnel kiln can greatly improve production efficiency and shorten the production cycle.
    Stable product quality: By precisely controlling parameters such as temperature and atmosphere in the kiln, the tunnel kiln can ensure a uniform and stable heating environment for the ceramic pot during the firing process, thereby improving product quality.
    Low energy consumption: Tunnel kiln adopts closed heating and waste heat recovery and other technical means, which can effectively reduce energy consumption and production costs.
    Tunnel kiln is widely used in the production of ceramics, bricks, refractory materials and other industries. In the production of ceramic pot, tunnel kiln can ensure that the ceramic pot in the firing process to obtain the appropriate environmental conditions, so as to produce beautiful appearance, good quality ceramic pot products.

    4. Precautions
    When using the tunnel kiln for the production of ceramic POTS, the following points need to be noted:

    Regular inspection and maintenance of equipment: ensure that the heating system, ventilation system, trolley system and control system of tunnel kiln are in good condition to avoid failure affecting production.
    Precise control of process parameters: according to the material and process requirements of the ceramic tank, precise control of the temperature, atmosphere and other parameters in the kiln to ensure the stability of the firing process and product quality.
    Pay attention to safe operation: the tunnel kiln will produce dangerous factors such as high temperature and harmful gases during work. The operator should strictly abide by the safe operation procedures and take necessary protective measures to ensure personal safety.
    To sum up, Tunnel kiln plays an important role in the production of ceramic POTS, and its efficient, stable and energy-saving production mode can greatly improve the production efficiency and quality of ceramic POTS.


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