Application areas

Application areas

Sanitary ware industry

Kilns play a vital role in the sanitary ware industry. In the manufacturing process of sanitary ware, it is necessary to fire the sanitary ware at high temperature through the kiln to ensure that it has good physical properties and appearance quality.

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Rare earth metallurgy industry

Kilns play a vital role in the rare earth metallurgy industry. Rare earth metallurgy refers to the process of extracting and separating rare earth elements and their compounds from rare earth resources through specific smelting and processing technologies. As the core equipment in the rare earth metallurgy process, the kiln undertakes the key tasks such as high temperature treatment, reduction and melting.

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Domestic ceramics industry

The kiln plays an important role in the daily ceramic industry. In the production process of domestic ceramics, the kiln is the core firing equipment, which determines the quality and production efficiency of ceramic products.

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Refractory industry

Kiln refractory industry is a crucial industry, and its development is closely related to the progress of kiln technology and the development of high-temperature industry. Kiln refractories are mainly used to resist high temperature and prevent damage to the internal structure of the kiln to ensure stable operation of the kiln.

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Brick and tile industry

Kiln tile industry is an industry closely related to construction, infrastructure and other fields. Kiln as the core equipment of tile production, its technical level, production efficiency and energy consumption directly affect the overall development of tile industry.

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Building ceramics industry

Building ceramics industry is a closely related industry with the construction industry, mainly involved in the production and application of ceramic products for building finishes and building components. This industry has a long history in China, and its modern industrial production technology originated in Europe, but after decades of development, China's architectural ceramics industry has made remarkable progress.

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